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About Us

The Law Firm of Abdul Hadi Zewaid Delaim Al Mutairi is an attorney at Law office duly authorized by the Ministry of Justice by License # 540/1438

to practice the legal profession in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It renders its legal services in accordance with Laws & Regulations that organize such profession. The Office is specialized in rendering the legal consultations and advocacy for individuals and commercial establishments.

What distinguish us:

The legal and commercial experience and the work team which is specialized in the law and the experts group that helps in rendering of the legal assistance and legal opinion for the clients of the office by efficiency and flexibility as per innovated mechanism and instruments.

Our Vision:

To be, with help & success of Allah Almighty, the first targeted office for those who look for legal assistance and sound legal opinion in the Kingdom of   Saudi Arabia.

Our Mission:

Honesty and impartiality in rendering our services to our clients and compliance with Regulations and Laws and assisting the Judicial Bodies for clarification and disclosure of rights.



Advocates & Consultants Team

By grace of Allah the office has solicited a number of advocates, consultants and experts who are deemed as the best in their fields on level of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Gulf Countries due to their distinction of their scientific and practical curriculums as they have higher and miscellaneous professional experiences in various fields.


Experts Team

The office is distinguished by its making contracts with a number of academic scholars specialized in management, economics and engineering who are experts in their fields inside and outside the Kingdom for assisting the office by their experience in serving its clients in various cases, legal, commercial and professional consultations.